9 Questions That You MUST Ask Your Breast Augmentation Surgeon
UpdatedAre you considering breast augmentation?
Like all surgical procedures, you should take breast augmentation seriously.
Once you’ve found a good plastic surgeon (see "How To Find A Good Plastic Surgeon" here), you’ll want to educate yourself all about breast augmentation so that you know exactly what to expect.
If you’re like most patients, you’ve probably done some research online. There is some good information on the Internet, but, frankly, there is also a lot of confusing, misleading, or – worse yet – even wrong information out there.
A consultation with an honest surgeon is a great opportunity to get all of your questions answered.
Read on to learn about the “9 Questions You MUST Ask Your Breast Augmentation Surgeon” so that you can make sure you're a fully informed patient.
Question #1: What is the Surgeon’s Background?
Choosing the right surgeon is the single most important decision you will make regarding breast augmentation.
You should ask about their background.
Specifically, you will want to know:
- Where did the surgeon go to school?
- Where did the surgeon perform their surgical training?
- Is the surgeon Board Certified in Plastic Surgery?
- How many years has the surgeon been performing plastic surgery?
- How many breast augmentation procedures has the surgeon performed?
Be careful if the surgeon calls herself or himself a “cosmetic surgeon” or a “general surgeon,” as this may be a sign of being poorly skilled or underqualified.
Question #2: Ask to See Before and After Photos
Looking at the surgeon’s Before and After photos is very important. These photos can give you a sense of the quality of the surgeon’s work, as well as his or her personal aesthetic.
You want to find a surgeon that produces excellent results, as well as a look that matches your own sense of aesthetics.
Keep in mind that a surgeon’s photo gallery typically showcases their best work.

Actual patient from 77 Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Augmentation.
You can see a gallery of Before and After breast augmentation photos here.
Question #3: Ask What Procedures The Surgeon Performs
Most plastic surgery practices offer a menu of different procedures, from head to toe. Most plastic surgeons also offer different methods of breast augmentation.
Talk with your surgeon about the different options he or she has.
The most common type of breast augmentation uses implants. Another option that is growing in popularity is breast augmentation using your body’s own fat.
Ask your surgeon which option is better for you.
If price is a factor, be sure to mention that as well.
Question #4: Ask What You Can Expect During Surgery
Some patients want to know every detail about any type of medical procedure they plan to have. Others prefer to know nothing, citing anxiety or nerves and would prefer only to be told what they need to know.
For those who like to know, ask you what you can expect from the breast augmentation procedure.
You’ll want to know:
- Where will the surgery be performed?
- What type of anesthesia will be used?
Question #4: Ask for Information on Breast Implant Types
Breast implants come in a variety of types, including round silicone implants, teardrop shaped silicone implants, and saline implants.
Ask your surgeon about what types of implants he or she offers.
See the "Ultimate Guide to Breast Implant Types" here.
Question #5: Ask About Breast Implant Size
Choosing the right breast implant size is one of the most important decisions that need to be made by you and your surgeon.
The reality is that every woman has an ideal implant size based on her body. If you want a natural look, it’s critical to choose an implant size that fits within your body and the elasticity of your tissues.
A common temptation – or pitfall – is to choose an implant that is too large for your body. If you choose an implant that is too large, the end result can look fake, often overly firm and bulging, like having two grapefruits pasted to your chest. There is also an increased risk of long term complications such as bottoming out.
A good surgeon should help you choose the right size for your body and goals based on a thorough ealuation. Some plastic surgeons use visual aids, like 3D computer simulations to give you a picture of what different sizes will look like on you.
Request a 3D Computer Simulation here.
Question #6: Ask About Recovery Time
The recovery time from breast augmentation typically lasts 3-7 days.
Some surgeons, like myself, offer Rapid Recovery techniques that are designed to get you back on your feet quicker, with most patients able to resume light activities within 24-48 hours.
Ask your surgeon about how long it will take for you to recover, particularly based on the type of procedure you receive.
Talk to your surgeon about anything you can do personally as you prepare for recover from your procedure to help reduce risks and speed up healing. For instance, if you are a smoker, you may be asked to quit, which can help decrease recovery time and help reduce the risk of complications.
You can learn more about “What to Expect After Your Breast Augmentation Procedure” here.
Question #7: Ask About Risks and Safety Precautions
Like any surgery, breast augmentation is not without risks.
It’s important to talk to your surgeon about them so you can prepare and take precautions to help prevent them.
Potential complications include risk of bleeding, infection, implant rupture, implant malposition, and the formation of scar tissue. Very rarely, there can also be complications with anesthesia.
Be sure to ask your surgeon about what you can do to help reduce the risk of these complications.
Question #8: Ask About Breast Lift Surgery
Some women have issues with drooping of the breasts, especially with age, pregnancy, or weight loss.
In these situations, breast enhancement may involve performing a breast lift procedure with or without implants.
If you are wondering if you need a breast lift, take our "Breast Lift Self Assessment Questionnaire" here.
Ask your surgeon if you need a breast lift.
Question #9: Ask Anything You Need for Peace of Mind
Ultimately, it’s important to ask any question that will make you feel more comfortable as you go through your journey.
The Bottom Line
Getting the answers to these 9 must-have questions will have you fully prepared for your breast augmentation procedure.
If you want more details or have another question, drop me a line at AskDrFan@77plasticsurgery, or setup a quick phone call with me.